В начало







                *Битва за Лес* (*The Darkest Hour*)
    Став предводителем Грозового племени, Огнегрив отправился к святилищу в Высоких Скалах за даром девяти жизней. Во время таинства он увидел страшное предзнаменование и получил пророчество о приближении кровавых времен...


  ThunderClan`s Darkest Hour is upon them, as Tigerstar`s quest for power plunges all the Clans into the most terrible danger any cat has ever faced. In order to save his Clan and his friends, Fireheart must uncover the meaning of ominous proclaimation from StarClan:

*Four will become two. Lion and tiger will meet in battle, and blood shall rule the forest.*

  The time has come for prophecies to unfold, and heroes to rise...